The COVID-19 pandemic changed Americans’ daily lives in innumerable ways, from constant hand washing to contactless food delivery. You may have used the time to nurse the perfect sourdough starter or gotten really good at crocheting. For many women and other humans with breasts, however, one pandemic habit might’ve left a more lasting impression. If you worked from home (or not at all), you might’ve mostly done away with the idea of wearing a bra.
Now, however, your boss might expect you back in the office, or at least your friends have asked about getting drinks. Sadly, you’ve started to realize you dread these public-facing events, since they mean binding up your bazongas. Sometimes, you’d rather stay home alone than put on a bra and face the itching lace, digging straps, and heat-trapping fabrics. You got used to letting loose, and prioritizing your comfort, and it literally hurts when you try and go back.
Fortunately for you, you’re not the only one who feels this way about bras, and your favorite clothing manufacturers know it. Brands are making strides to offer bra-wearers better options for covering their cans without sacrificing their comfort. Read on to learn more about the best tips and tricks for finding a bra you’ll feel good wearing on- or off- camera. You can still Zoom from the shoulder up if you want, but you might not need to when you find the right bra for your body.
- Go Wireless
The easiest change you can make to immediately achieve more comfort is to ditch a bit of structural support. Your boobs aren’t suspension bridges; they don’t need an extensive network of wires and cables to hold them up. Yes, underwire styles can provide a certain look and shape you might want to whip out for special date nights. However, there’s absolutely no reason to outfit yourself with stainless steel girders just to hop on a quick call with Bob from accounting.
Instead, try exploring the wide range of wireless bras, bralettes, shelf camisoles, sports bras, and bramis online. There are tons of brands and styles to suit all different body types, skin shades, outfits, and unique needs. If you’re pregnant, nursing, super active, or transitioning genders, there’s probably a wireless bra out there for you. Look for breathable fabrics to keep sweating to a minimum, and designs without itchy lace or other bells and whistles.
2. Understand Size and Fit
When’s the last time you actually measured your breasts, or got a professional fitting or bra consultation? Are you sure you know your bra size — and, if you were sure in 2020, have you updated your measurements since? You likely know that most bra sizes have two components: the even number for band size and one or two letters for cup size. What you might not know is that breasts also come in different shapes, which can affect your level of comfort.
Some breasts protrude more off the chest, while others lie flatter against it, and each works best with different styles. Some breasts have more space between them, while others are closer together, and still others are asymmetrical. Whether your breasts are round, tear-drop shaped, more on the athletic side, or dangling and pendulous, there’s always a solution. Search not just for a size, but for a style and shape that fully covers your breasts without smushing or bulging.
3. Buy Multiple Sizes
For many women and AFAB people, breast size fluctuates throughout the month, growing and shrinking with your cycle. What fits well during your follicular and ovulation phases might feel like a torture device during your luteal phase. Right before your period your breasts might become much larger than usual, as well as a lot more tender. Other folks might frequently go up or down in size, like athletes who have to make weight before a game or match.
Know that it’s normal for your breasts to not always be the same size, and choose your favorite bras accordingly. For the most comfortable “everyday” bra, you might need different sets of bras and sizes for different days. For the best results, try bra shopping at different times of the month, or re-taking measurements throughout your cycle. Your skin might be more sensitive sometimes, too, so consider different bra fabrics that won’t itch, irritate, or cause body breakouts.
4. Read the Reddit
If you still have questions about finding the best, most comfortable bras, you might find the answers you seek in an unexpected place. Cis-male-dominated Reddit, despite the bad rap it often gets for attracting basement-dwelling gamer geeks, is actually a top-tier bra-finding resource. There’s an entire community, or “subreddit,” called A Bra That Fits, that’s dedicated to helping people find just the right bra and fit.
r/ABraThatFits contains a detailed guide to measuring your breasts and calculating your bra size. There’s also a Wiki page that explains fit and size in detail, and includes buying guides, bra care guides, and tons of other resources. The forum has info about bra swaps, places to give away and find free bras, and other resources for those who want to save money. There are even country-specific guides to buying bras abroad, including international sizing and brands.
A Whole New Bra World
One thing’s for sure: You can never really go back to the way things were before lockdown and WFH. Even if you’re back in the office, your tatas have had a taste of freedom, and the (metaphorical) boobs are out of the bag. While you can’t necessarily hang loose everywhere, there’s no need to return to the suffering of years past. With all kinds of brands re-engineering bras for breathability and comfort, support no longer has to mean smothering.