The desire to wish away an embarrassing or distressing gynecological ailment is natural, but it is never advisable. Many persisting medical conditions, particularly gynecological ones, can be easily managed following a visit to your Fair Oaks OBGYN specialist. Symptoms of gynecological problems can range from moderate to severe. It is critical not to dismiss any sign that lasts for a long time or frequently recurs, even if it is not accompanied by pain.
1. Vaginal itching
This sensation, which is frequently accompanied by redness, discomfort, swelling, or even lumps, might be a warning flag. A yeast infection or sexual abnormalities such as vaginal dryness during menopause might cause pain.
2. Pelvic discomfort
Pelvic discomfort is unique from regular menstrual cramps and should not be disregarded. It can be a sign of various illnesses in the reproductive system, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ovarian cysts, or even appendicitis. Such disorders can cause serious damage to the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus, resulting in infertility.
3. Frequent urination
While the constant need to pass water, along with a sharp, stinging discomfort when you do, may indicate a urinary tract infection such as cystitis, it may also indicate various gynecological problems like STDs infection or something pressing on the bladder like fibroids or an ovarian cyst. So, if the condition persists, consult a doctor.
4. Loss of bladder control
There may be cases of urinary bladder loss of control, also known as incontinence, in which you cannot regulate urination. Urine leakage might happen when you cough, laugh or raise anything heavy. This is known as ‘stress incontinence.’ It is an unintentional urine loss.
5. Vaginal bleeding
Unusual bleeding can sometimes be linked to a change in your menstrual cycle. Heavy bleeding, shorter or longer periods, or unusual pain during menstruation can all be symptoms of severe illnesses such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or ovarian cysts. Also, unusual vaginal bleeding can be caused by an STD (sexually transmitted disease) or even cancer if it occurs beyond the age of 40.
6. Menstrual irregularities
Your gynecologist should evaluate menstrual abnormalities, including irregular menstruation, heavy menstruation, painful menstruation, and post-menopausal bleeding.
7. Abnormal vaginal discharge
Having sticky, white discharge between your monthly periods is natural and common. It cleans your vagina and protects you from genital infections. Women who are pregnant or nursing may have increased discharge. However, if you see the vaginal discharge of an odd color or odor, this might indicate a problem. The most prevalent causes of atypical vaginal discharge include cervical cancer, chlamydia, bacterial infections, gonorrhea, abortion difficulties, and vaginitis. Early detection is critical, so have it checked out if in doubt.
The symptoms listed above might suggest a variety of gynecological disorders. If you experience one or more of the symptoms, do not worry; many illnesses may be properly treated once diagnosed. Living with pain, discomfort, or stress is necessary due to your symptoms. Furthermore, if a significant health problem causes your symptoms, you jeopardize your long-term health and maybe even your fertility by avoiding adequate medical attention. Furthermore, early detection of symptoms and prompt treatment improve the likelihood of effective therapy. Call Capital Women’s Care or book your meeting today to determine if gynecological care techniques suit you.