Photo by Sasikan Ulevik on Unsplash
Saving water should always be a top priority if we want to save the plant. Do you save water at home? If you do, you may already know some great water-saving tips. Why not implement them at your place of work? Environmental scientists predict that a freshwater shortage will be our most pressing environmental issue in the next 50 years. Visit Here:
This shortage will lead to increased water prices and increased pricing on water-based services such as commercial plumbing Melbourne and other large cities always need. It has already seen an increase in the price of water.
Businesses use water in many different ways, some more than others. It’s your responsibility to save water at work. So, if you want to know how to start, keep reading to find out more. Suggest these tips to your manager and make your company water-smart today. Visit The Site:
Reduce the Water Pressure and Monitor Your Water Consumption
In bathrooms, company kitchens, and the breakroom, reduce the water pressure. This can be done by installing a low-flow faucet aerator. Older style toilets use nearly 5 gallons of water per flush. The new environmentally friendly versions only use 2 gallons per flush.
To keep track of how much water your business uses, it’s important to monitor your water consumption. Use a smart meter, to help you identify how much you use and the areas where you can save more. Identify any potential leaks and highlight high usage areas.
Perform a Water Maintenance Check
To get off to a good start, do the following:
- Hire a commercial plumber to perform a water maintenance check and look for any leaks.
- Ask for upgrades to old appliances that use too much water.
- Install water-saving equipment and replace any broken pipes.
Once you’ve made these changes, keep an eye on your water bill to see if the upgrades have helped save your business money.
Hand Wash Instead of Using the Dish Washer
After lunch or tea breaks have a basin and soap available where each employee can quickly rinse their coffee mugs or lunch boxes. If your staff insists on using the dishwasher, make sure there is a full load before starting the machine cycle.
Install Water-Saving Measures
As mentioned before, installing water-saving measures can help you use less water. Look into harvesting your grey water. This water can be used to water office plants or other green areas.
Some other ideas include:
- Install a water-saving device in your toilet cistern
- Collect rainwater or install a water butt that will collect it every time it rains
- Fix any leaks immediately
- Install motion sensors on sink taps
- Install flush buttons to minimise the amount of water used for flushing the toilet
Consider Incentives
A great way to get your team on board with saving water is to offer incentives. First, provide proper water-saving training. Once your employees know what is expected, set challenges and objectives. Run a competition on who has the best water-saving tips, or give a cash prize or pizza party for the department that saves the most water.
Set a target. Discuss ideas with your staff and set a water-saving goal. Setting a goal can help to focus attention on what needs to be done and how to go about achieving it. Urge staff to report leaks or toilets that won’t stop running as soon as possible. Encourage staff to keep contributing to water-saving ideas and strategies.
Install Water-Wise Signage
People forget about things very quickly if they don’t have a constant reminder. Install water-saving signage in bathrooms, the kitchen, and other high water usage areas. Remind staff not to leave the taps running and to save water where possible in the kitchen.
Don’t use the garbage disposal to get rid of food scraps. This uses unnecessary water. Instead, have a compost bin available where staff can put their leftovers. Dirty dishes can be left in a pile to the side. Rotate who gets to do the dishes each week, or hire a cleaning lady to do them, so each person doesn’t tap a basin of water just for a plate and a cup. Dishes should only be washed at the same time, using the same water.
If you have a large company, then use a dishwasher but only run it once it’s reached its capacity.
Clean More Cleverly
There is no need to clean the office floors every day using water. Effective methods include:
- Sweep sidewalks and floors instead of pressure-washing them.
- Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of visible dirt in high-traffic areas.
- Limit washing the floors to once or twice a week.
Smart Landscaping
If your business has a lot of grass, consider removing the turf. Plant native plants as they use up to 83% less water than turfgrass. Look for trees and plants that don’t require as much water and plant those instead.
You will need water for this greenery so consider installing a rain barrel system for landscaping. This uses collected rainwater to water the plants, so your garden isn’t dependent on the grid.
Final Thoughts
Water is a staple in our daily lives but unfortunately, people have been wasting water because they never imagined that it would run out. However, freshwater has become very scarce and in high demand.
Over the next few years, water is going to become very expensive and there may be a worldwide water shortage. That’s why it’s so important to save as much water as we can now.
Do you have any water-saving tips? Let us know in the comments. Read More About: