Chronic conditions have become common over time, affecting millions of people. One of these common conditions is diabetes, which occurs due to the body’s inability to produce enough insulin. Your blood is, therefore, saturated with high levels of glucose which cause diabetes.
Fortunately, Irving primary care helps identify your problem’s underlying causes by making you aware of the underlying risk factors. After that, they formulate an ideal treatment plan to manage your condition. Understanding the causes of diabetes will help manage the risks to improve your health.
Genetics plays a significant role in the development of diabetes. When you have a family history of the disease, you have an increased chance of developing the disease. The gene composition is transferred down the lineage, and most descendants are exposed.
Although you cannot prevent genetic inheritance, one can lower the risks of developing the condition by going for regular checkups and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Body weight also plays a crucial role in diabetes. An average and manageable body weight is not dangerous, but having excess weight increases the chances of becoming diabetic. Excess body fats cause insulin resistance making the body functioning in regulating blood sugar difficult.
Maintaining an ideal weight is essential in ensuring the body produces enough insulin and utilizes it effectively to regulate body sugar levels.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Living a dormant lifestyle may come with different health problems. Regular exercise helps your body shed excess weight and improve insulin sensitivity, minimizing the risk of developing diabetes.
Your doctor will recommend you ensure the body is active, even if it walks daily for a few miles, to reduce body rigidity.
Unhealthy Diets
The food you consume is crucial in maintaining your overall health. Most people who suffer from chronic conditions do not observe their diet and suffer. When you eat food high in sugar and saturated fats, you increase your risk of developing diabetes.
Eating a healthy and balanced diet rich in all essential nutrients would be ideal for a healthy body. Foods such as vegetables, lean proteins, and fruits are essential in strengthening your immune system and lowering diabetes risk.
The most common risk factor that causes diabetes. People above 45 years have a high risk of developing diabetes, especially if they are not keen on their risk factors. People who are obese and never watch over their diets increase their risk as they age.
Although one cannot control aging, there is always a way to help control these risk factors. Ensure a healthy diet, maintain an ideal weight, and exercise regularly to minimize the risks of becoming a victim.
Diabetes is a serious chronic condition that can affect your life negatively. It limits you from enjoying your life, including having every meal you would wish. Several factors trigger diabetes, and understanding them would make it easier for you to minimize the chances of having the disease.
If you are a victim, primary care will help manage your condition by improving your health outcome. Your healthcare professional would advise you to adopt a healthy lifestyle to help reduce the risks of developing diabetes and live a healthy life.