Encountering a dental complication like tooth fracturing, cracking, or decayed tooth nerve can be an undesirable experience. Nonetheless, most of these complications are widespread as individuals are not practicing good dental hygiene. When you have a dental problem, visiting a restorative dentist midtown east is essential to get help.
Since there are numerous restorative dentistry methods, understanding them can be tricky. If you are among those not conversant with these restorative options, keep reading on. The following are common dentistry procedures your restorative dentist can recommend.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges are a sequence of unified crowns that replaces missing teeth. Bridges are perceived as permanent dental restoration options because of the way they are attached to the nearby teeth. The installation process consists of multiple steps beginning with teeth preparation and assessment.
Your restorative dentist takes the impression of your teeth and applies it to create a custom piece to replace the missing teeth. The provider will then cement the dental bridges into the repaired area filling the missing teeth. Bridges are durable, meaning they are worth the investment.
Root Canals
Root canals are the most popular restorative dentistry treatments in the market. Your restorative dentist will recommend root canals if your tooth’s pulp or nerve is inflamed or infected by injury, trauma, or decay. During the treatment, your provider eliminates the damaged nerve or pulp and replaces it with a filling material.
Root canal procedure prevents additional infection and rejuvenates your teeth’ functionality. While they appear intimidating, they are painless due to modern anesthesia means. You should, however, schedule a consultation with your dentist to confirm if you are eligible for this procedure.
Dental Implants
Implants are titanium screws which your restorative dentists suggest for decayed roots on teeth. They are responsible for attaching the present tooth bone to hold a crown. Your restorative dentist can install implants in any part of the mouth, making them versatile options.
Your provider screws the implant into the jawbone, developing an anchor for a new fixture to hold onto. Your dentist should perform a comprehensive treatment for them to be effective. After installation, implants play a significant role in improving your jaw structure and chewing.
Dentures are popular restorative dentistry dentists recommend for clients with missing teeth. They are removable, and you can receive either partial or entire replacement. Partial dentures comprise teeth replacement attached to the pink gum base, while complete denture swaps the whole arch of missing teeth.
This restorative procedure restores the capacity to chew and speak. Additionally, dentures enhance appearance by filling the facial characteristics which may have sagged because of tooth loss. However, you should know that becoming familiar with wearing dentures takes time thus, you should be patient.
Composite Bonding
Living with cracked teeth can be devastating, spoiling your smile and self-esteem. Thus, addressing such concerns is an integral task. Composite bonding is an ideal treatment for fixing cracked teeth that can damage your smile.
The procedure involves a restorative dentist applying composite bonding to the existing teeth. This procedure does not need any other tooth part to be detached. Bonding will address your concern and restore the soothing appearance you desire.
Living with an inflamed pulp of the teeth and cracked and missing teeth can cause considerable problems. They can damage your speech, smile, and functionality. Fortunately, there are several restorative dentistry procedures you can invest in to fix your concern (s).
You should consult a restorative dentist for an extensive evaluation of your condition. After evaluation, your provider will recommend the most effective treatment depending on your condition and personal preferences. Do not let dental complications affect your general wellness, while an answer lies in the hand of your restorative dentist.