Whether you experience chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath during activity or not, consider a medical examination. The pain can signal a problem with your heart caused by different forms of heart disease. Lafayette cardiovascular disease can cause symptoms including chest pain, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, and fainting.
Although everyone can get cardiovascular disease, your chances are higher if you have poor lifestyle habits that affect your diet, sleep, mental health, and overall health.
Factors that increase your risk of cardiovascular disease
The following are factors that can increase your likelihood of getting cardiovascular disease.
Poor dietary habits
Your risk of heart disease is higher if you have poor dietary habits. If you don’t consume healthy, balanced meals regularly, you tax your body to perform out of routine, stressing your internal systems. Your specialist can recommend having your meals regularly to deliver the necessary nutrients at the appropriate times. Missing or skipping meals can lead to blood sugar fluctuations, increasing your chances of heart disease.
Sedentary lifestyle
Inactivity and lack of exercise lead to weak heart muscles, which can affect the core functions of your heart. Regular exercise helps to strengthen your heart, improving its ability to pump blood and increase blood oxygen levels. Consider daily aerobic or strength training exercises to lose fat and improve overall health. If you face performance difficulties, consult your doctor for a personalized exercise regimen to avoid injuries.
Excess weight
Obesity or being overweight increases your chances of getting diabetes and high blood pressure, which affects your heart’s capabilities and functions. Being overweight makes you more likely to have high cholesterol levels, narrowing your arteries and increasing blood pressure. High blood pressure decreases blood flow to your heart, leading to chest pain and heart attack. When you have diabetes, your blood sugar levels are high, and they can damage your heart’s blood vessels and nerves.
Family history of heart disease
If you have a family history of heart disease, you are twice more likely to get the condition, especially if you have poor lifestyle habits. Consider regular screening to examine your heart’s muscles and functioning capabilities to identify problems earlier. Adjust your lifestyle to minimize your risk factors for getting cardiovascular disease.
Diagnosis and treatment
During diagnostic testing, your doctor will check your weight, heart rate and pulse, blood pressure, and BMI to assess your overall health. To accurately diagnose cardiovascular disease, your specialist will conduct various tests, including blood and heart function tests and imaging tests like CT or MRI scans.
If your tests confirm you have a type of cardiovascular disease, your medical team can recommend treatment methods like lifestyle changes and medications. Lifestyle adjustments involve diet, exercise routine, and stress management to ensure optimum health.
If you have symptoms of cardiovascular disease like angina, visit Moore Healthcare Group for treatment. At the center, you will receive a medical history review and an extensive examination of your symptoms and diagnosis before treatment. Call or book your appointment online to improve your cardiovascular health.