How Much Hair is Normal to Lose in the Shower?
The amount of hair that you lose when you take a shower can vary from person to person, but it’s not uncommon for women to lose anywhere between one and three-quarters of an inch (2–4 cm) of hair after they get out of the shower. In some cases, however, people may experience more than this. This is because there are many factors that influence how much hair you lose during your shower:
How long you’ve been losing hair
Your age
The type of shampoo or conditioner you use
Whether you’re using heat on your head
What kind of soap you use
If you have any scalp issues
How much hair should you lose in a day?
It depends on your hair type, how often you wash it and what products you use. If you have thinning hair or are prone to dandruff, you may need to shave more frequently than other people. But if you’re just getting used to washing your hair less often, you can still get away with losing about an inch of hair each week.
The amount of hair that you shed daily varies from person to person. Some women lose as little as half an ounce per week while others shed up to two pounds per month. This number will also depend on how often you shampoo and condition your hair.
The average woman sheds between one-quarter and one-half pound of hair every month. However, this number can vary depending on your diet, stress levels and lifestyle choices. For example, some women who eat well and exercise regularly may only shed around one-sixteenth of a pound per month.
If you want to know exactly how much hair you’ll be shedding each month, check out our monthly hair loss calculator.
Are You Losing Too Much Hair In the Shower?
I’m going to assume that you mean “normal” as in “not too much”. I am going to say that it is perfectly normal to lose 1/4″ to 3/4″ of hair in the shower. The reason why we lose so much hair is because of the water pressure in the shower. When you step into the shower, the first thing you feel is the water hitting your body. As soon as you start taking off your clothes, the water hits your skin and starts pulling at the hairs on your body.
When you think about it, it makes sense. We don’t go swimming without putting on a bathing suit. Why would we put on a bathing suit in the shower? Because the water pressure is higher than in the pool. So we put on a bathing cap or a swim cap to protect our heads. It works!
Now, let me tell you something else. There are ways to stop yourself from losing all of your hair in the shower.
Here are top tips for avoiding hair loss in the shower:
- Don’t use hot water. Hot water pulls your hair out by the roots. That’s why you see bald men in old photos. They were probably using hot showers back then. Nowadays, most people use cold water instead. Cold water doesn’t pull out your hair like hot water does.
- Use a good quality shampoo. A cheap shampoo won’t do anything for your hair. It might even make things worse. Look for shampoos that contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera, avocado oil or jojoba oil. These oils help moisturize your hair and keep it soft.
- Use a conditioner afterwards. Conditioners add moisture to your hair and help prevent split ends.
- Keep your hair clean. Dirt and dust build up on your hair over time. Cleaning them out helps your hair stay healthy.
- Wash your hair less often. Washing your hair twice a day is too frequent. Try washing once a day. You should be able to get away with doing it once a week.
- Take care of your scalp. Your scalp needs to breathe. Moisturizing it helps keep it healthy. Avoid products containing alcohol or harsh chemicals.
- Get regular haircuts. If you have long hair, try cutting it shorter. Short hair looks more polished and professional.
- Wear a hat when you’re in the shower. This will help keep your hair dry.
You can also try wearing a hair toupee, the best hair toupees are on the website “”