Dental health, often known as oral health, is concerned with the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. The objective is to keep your mouth healthy by preventing issues like tooth decay (cavities) and gum disease. Early dental appointments teach a youngster the value of good oral health. A kid who receives dental care early in life is more likely to have a positive attitude toward oral health professionals and dental appointments. Additionally, pregnant mothers who receive oral or Riverdale Dental Arts treatments are more likely to bring their kids to the dentist.
Tips to prevent tooth decay in kids
- Show admirable conduct: Taking care of one’s dental health is one of the most important things parents can do for their kids’ oral care! Seeing a parent value their teeth increases its essence.
- Establish a toothbrushing schedule: Routines create a good response in children. A youngster who develops the habit of cleaning teeth will carry it into puberty and beyond. Children may resist at first, but with constant reinforcement, most will ultimately accept the program.
- See the dentist often: Dentist visits for children are just as important as those for adults. Doctors usually emphasize the importance of oral health in overall health and look for early symptoms of tooth decay. Also, they teach parents how to care for their children’s teeth and discuss topics including tooth trauma and eating.
- Reduce sugar consumption: The amount of sugar in children’s drinks and meals is closely related to increased tooth decay. If you have inquiries about what nutrition your kids require, the best place to start is with their doctor.
- Brush the teeth of children aged eight and under, but monitor them until they reach the age of eleven: The eight-year milestone is an estimate, but youngsters cannot clean their teeth until they can tie their shoes. Parents may help by ensuring that no food is left behind, which can contribute to cavities. Even when children can brush their teeth, parents should supervise to ensure they do a decent job.
- Use fluoride toothpaste: Fluoride toothpaste is suggested for children aged two and above. Follow the instructions on the package, and then don’t rinse! Have your youngsters spit out any extra toothpaste. This allows the fluoride to remain on their teeth, providing further protection. If your youngster is under the age of two, your dentist may advise you to begin using fluoride toothpaste.
Dental health is critical to your child’s overall wellness. You can take measures from when your kid is born to encourage healthy teeth and avoid cavities. For babies, use a soft, clean cloth or a baby’s toothbrush to clean their teeth. Avoid putting the infant to bed with a bottle; inspect the baby’s teeth for spots or stains frequently.
Don’t dismiss indicators of dental illness in children. Regular dental appointments can assist you in detecting issues at their early stages when treatment is most effective. Call Riverdale Dental Arts to schedule your meeting today to determine which dental health procedure suits your child.