High-intensity activities like sports might lead to life-threatening bone injuries. As an athlete, you should consult a sports doctor frequently as they guide you on better ways to preserve joint and bone health during high-intensity sports. Even if you are not an athlete, Ortho 1 Medical Group will educate you on ways to preserve your joints and how to deal with osteoporosis. They explain the options at your disposal and the outcomes you should expect from treatment. They may recommend orthopedic surgery to deal with these health conditions.
Repetitive Strain Injury
Repetitive strain injuries result from the overuse of muscles, ligaments, and joints, poor posture, and forceful motions. It affects almost anyone and leads to back, neck, and joint pain—Carpal tunnel syndrome results from repetitive strain injuries that affect the nerves and muscles on the hand. Repetitive strain injuries lead to stiffness, tingling, and stiffness of the affected area. An orthopedic doctor can easily diagnose these symptoms and offer the right treatments and surgery if the injury is severe.
Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain results in dull or sharp pain around the waist and affects almost 80% of adults who sit for an extended time at work. However, lower back pain may result from lifting heavy objects, herniated spinal discs, and a sedentary lifestyle. Acute lower back pain will last a few days, and you may need topical painkillers to deal with it. However, chronic back pain can impact your life, making it hard to engage in daily activities. You may need surgery if the lower back pain results from herniated discs or tissue tear which results from lifting heavy weight. Moreover, you might have more serious underlying conditions, if the lower back pain is accompanied by fevers, chills, and weight loss
Hip Replacement
You may opt for a hip replacement if other treatments do not improve the chronic pain. An orthopedic surgeon will examine the hip physically and use imaging techniques like MRI and X-ray. The surgeon will replace the damaged hip with an artificial joint that works like the natural one. The replacement leads to healthier and improves the ability to engage in everyday activities.
Knee Pain
The knee is prone to diseases like arthritis and sports injuries. Moreover, you may experience knee joint pain which results from muscle strain or repetitive blows to the area. Physical therapy may alleviate knee issues, while epidural injections deal with arthritis. They may suggest knee replacement if the knee is severely damaged.
Frozen Shoulder
Chronic shoulder pain impacts your life and results from injury to the muscles, tendons, and rotator cuff joint. Injuries and infections in the area may lead to frozen shoulders which can barely move. Gentle exercises, medications, and heat therapy can work for frozen shoulders, but you may need surgery in the long run.
You might get worried when your primary doctor suggests orthopedic surgery to resolve different health problems. However, orthopedic doctors are trained to deal with issues affecting the bones and joints; you should not be afraid to consult them. Orthopedic surgeons can treat repetitive injuries on the tendons, muscles, and joints. The orthopedic doctors relieve frozen shoulders, perform knee and hip replacement procedures and ease lower back pain. Moreover, they may advise patients on ways to prevent future injuries and preserve bone health.