Is your team struggling to remain productive throughout the workday? It’s more common than you might think. In fact, the average employee is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes each day.
In a single hour, an employee gets interrupted about seven times. Most interruptions take up to five minutes. On average, employees get interrupted every eight minutes.
Decreased workplace productivity could impact your company’s ROI.
Here are 10 ways you can boost employee productivity. With these tips, you can become a smarter small business owner. You can improve your team’s output and with it, your business.
Get started with these 10 simple tips today.
- Find Ways to Minimize Stress
Start helping your team by finding ways to reduce employee stress. Otherwise, stress in your workplace culture could hurt productivity. It might impact your employee retention rate, too.
Employees might decide it’s time to look for another job if their current one is too stressful.
Instead, schedule a meeting with your team. Ask them what’s currently causing them unnecessary stress. Become the type of small business owner they can depend on.
Finding new ways to maintain smart management can benefit your entire team.
Your employees can help you pinpoint areas of your current workflow that are causing delays. Those delays can cause stress. Fixing those bottlenecks can minimize stress and improve workplace productivity.
Let your team know your door is always open. They might find new areas that require attention throughout the year. Take the time to listen to their concerns before their problems impact everyone’s efficiency.
- Provide Training Opportunities
Help your team work smarter, not harder. Consider providing training opportunities this year. Your team can learn how to do their job efficiently.
Otherwise, they might waste valuable time trying to teach themselves. While it’s great to have self-motivators on the team, this can also impact productivity.
Instead, ask your team members about tasks or topics they want to learn more about. Then, help them find new training opportunities.
Offering these opportunities can benefit you and your employees.
Your employees will feel more engaged and prepared to tackle new tasks. Meanwhile, you can boost your employee productivity and output. It’s a win-win!
- Improve Your Environment
Your workplace’s overall environment might cause your employees to lag behind as well. For example, they might complain it’s too hot or too cold. They’ll waste valuable time looking for a blanket, heater, or fan.
If they’re too focused on their own comfort, they won’t get the job done.
Instead, make sure your office’s temperature falls between 68 and 70°F. Consider polling your team to ensure everyone is comfortable. If they’re not, offer to provide the tools they need to remain comfortable.
Make sure to schedule routine preventative maintenance for your heating and cooling systems throughout the year as well. If your HVAC unit breaks down, your team’s productivity could plummet.
- Schedule Regular Reviews
Find new ways to keep your team motivated and on track. Consider scheduling reviews once or twice a year. They can help you find areas that require improvement.
Consider using a performance review system. Establish specific goals for your team. Then, break those goals into smaller benchmarks.
Ask your employees if these benchmarks appear achievable. Determine what they need to accomplish each goal, too.
Then, offer your team the support they need to accomplish those goals.
Try to motivate, inspire, and even reward your employees throughout the year. Show them how much you appreciate their hard work. They’ll feel more motivated to continue working that hard in the future.
You can also schedule regular reviews to provide constructive criticism or personal incentives.
- Minimize Distractions
Take the time to determine exactly what’s impacting your workplace productivity.
For example, you might have your employees use their personal phones instead of office phones. They might get distracted texting or scrolling through social media.
Though it’s not always possible to enforce a smartphone ban, it’s sometimes necessary. Tell your employees to turn their phones off. Then, allow them specific times during the day to check their messages.
They’ll have an easier time focusing on their job instead of distractions.
- Offer the Best Tools
Make sure your team has access to the best tools and equipment, too. If they’re using outdated tools, it can slow down their productivity. You could develop a workplace culture of “falling behind the times,” too.
Instead, innovate. Find workplace tools that can help your team work more productively. For example, you can find the best planner app here.
Track your team’s progress on each project. About 75% of organizations already use productivity tools.
Determine where they’re slowing down. Then, make adjustments as needed to ensure their productivity.
- Delegate Responsibilities
Try to increase your team’s responsibilities. You can become a smarter small business owner by delegating tasks.
You’ll also give your employees new opportunities to grow. Provide them with chances to build their skill set and expand their experience. Delegating will save you time while benefiting your employees.
- Give Yourself Breaks
Encourage your team to avoid multitasking, which could become more distracting than it’s worth.
Instead, tell your team to take 10- to 15-minute breaks. Allow them to recharge. Remember, you don’t want them to feel stressed out.
Instead, you can encourage them to stretch or play a game of table tennis. Taking a break will give their minds the chance to reboot. You can avoid burnout and fatigue, too.
- Stop Booking Unnecessary Meetings
Remember, you need to look for areas in your schedule that are impacting productivity. For example, you might want to minimize the need for meetings.
If you can put it in an email, press send!
- Track and Adjust
Once you start using these employee productivity tips, track their progress. Determine which areas are boosting productivity. Look for new bottlenecks, too.
Then, keep making adjustments to benefit your team.
Actively Efficient: 10 Effective Ways to Boost Workplace Productivity
Don’t let a lack of workplace productivity impact your bottom line. Instead, use these 10 tips to improve employee productivity this year. With these tips, you can set your team up for success.
Start reducing distractions and improving your workplace culture today.
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