In 2020, the number of email users globally reached 4 billion. That figure will climb to 4.5 billion by 2024, cementing email as one of the world’s most preferred communication channels.
If you use email frequently, chances are there are times you’ve struggled with clutter in your inbox at some point. Such an inbox can make it difficult to find an email you’re looking for or perform another important task.
Thankfully, you can resolve this issue easily and stay in control of your email storage and organization. Here are eight easy tips on how to organize your email in Gmail.
Have a Customized Inbox Layout
One of the easiest email organization steps you can take is to personalize your inbox layout. Most email providers allow you to choose how many email messages you see in your inbox at one time.
If you are constantly being inundated with email, try reducing the number of messages that are visible in your inbox. This will help you focus on the email messages that are most important.
You can also choose to organize your email by date, sender, or subject line. This can be helpful if you find yourself constantly searching for email messages.
Organizing your inbox will help you save time and find the email messages that you need more quickly and easily.
Use of Filters and Labels
Another tip on how to organize emails is to use filters and labels. Filters allow you to sort email messages into different folders automatically.
For example, you can set up a filter that sends all emails from your boss to a “Boss” folder. This can be helpful if you want to save certain email messages for later.
Labels are like folders, but they can be applied to more than one email message. This can be helpful if you want to categorize email messages without moving them out of your inbox.
Filters and labels can be very helpful in keeping your inbox organized and under control.
Sort Your Email Contacts Into Groups
If you find yourself emailing the same people over and over again, try sorting your contacts into groups. This allows you to send emails to several people at once without having to enter each email address individually.
You can create groups for family, friends, co-workers, or any other group of people that you email frequently. This can save you a lot of time and effort when it comes to sending an email.
Respond to Important Emails Right Away
One of the best ways to manage email is to respond right away. If you can reply to an email message within a few minutes, do it. This will help you keep your inbox under control and prevent email messages from piling up.
If you can’t reply right away, try to at least mark the email message as “read” so that you know you’ve seen it and can come back to it later.
Archive Important Emails that You Aren’t Using
Archiving email messages will remove them from your inbox, but they will still be saved in your email account. This can be helpful if you need to access an email message at a later date but don’t want it taking up space in your inbox.
To archive an email message, simply select it and then click the “Archive” button. This will remove the email message from your inbox to the archive.
Delete Irrelevant Emails
An account that’s running out of space is a sure sign that it’s time to check Gmail storage and delete email messages that are no longer relevant. This can be emails that are several years old, email messages with large attachments, or email messages that you no longer need.
To delete an email message, simply select it and then click the “Delete” button. This will remove the email message from your account and free up some space.
Unsubscribe From Unwanted Email Lists
One of the best ways to reduce email clutter is to unsubscribe from email lists that you no longer want to be on. These may include email lists from retailers, magazines, or other organizations that you no longer have an interest in.
Most email providers make it easy to unsubscribe from email lists. Simply scroll to the bottom of the email and look for the “unsubscribe” link. Clicking this link will unsubscribe you from the email list.
It may also be helpful to create a separate email address for email lists. This way, you can keep your primary email address clutter-free and only check the other email address when you want to see what’s new on the email list.
Enable Email Preview Pane
Most email providers offer a “preview pane” option that allows you to see a preview of an email message without opening it. This can be helpful in determining whether or not an email message is worth opening. If you don’t need the email, you can simply delete it right away.
To enable the preview pane, simply go to your email provider’s settings and look for the option to enable the preview pane. Once you’ve enabled the preview pane, you’ll be able to see a preview of email messages without opening them.
Manage Your Email Storage and Organization Today
Staying on top of your email storage and organization doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With a little bit of effort, you can easily keep your email organized and under control. Try these tips today and see how much easier email can be.
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