Have you ever wondered what vintage lamps are? Vintage means simply “of age”, “old” or belonging to a previous era. So when you talk about lamps as vintage lamps, you’re simply referring to lamps that have designs which were popular in olden times or in an era past. Vintage lamps may mean lamps that in actual sense, date from an era past. This may also refer to lamps that although were made in modern times, are meant to evoke the past. It therefore follows that as a design-conscious person, you should learn what vintage lamps actually refer to. For this reason, we’re here to take you through everything you need to know about vintage lamps.
Antique, Vintage and Retro
Enthusiasts of both modern and vintage décors usually love vintage lamps for lighting purposes so that the effects of their interior decoration is not interfered with. These vintage lamps may also be considered when it comes to accent items in modern designs. Where does your taste belong? While antique, vintage and retro terms are often confused and used interchangeably, to appear knowledgeable in the décor business, you need to clearly differentiate them and use them correctly. To help you in this journey, read on to get what you need to know.
Antique Lamps are 100 Years Old or More
Many people consider lamps that look quite old as antique pieces. Do not make that mistake. There is a strict rule when it comes to defining something as antique. According to practices in the antiques industry and general acceptance, a lamp (or any ware for that matter) must be at least 100 years old. What if you have a lamp that is at least 300 years? These lamps can be identified as antiquities or even artifacts. Where can you find these lamps? You can get them through;
- Archaeological excavations
- Land development
- Attics or basements of old homes
Vintage Lamps Are Just Old Lamps
While lamps must meet the threshold of 100 years to considered antique pieces, vintage lamps do not have a strict age threshold. They are just old. However, there is a general industry consensus that vintage lamps are those that are at least 20 years old. Generally, you can consider your lamp as vintage if it falls between 20 and 99 years of age. Some say between 30 and 99 years. In addition to these, vintage lamps also exhibit the following;
- They possess a genuinely old feel
- Reflect fashions and fads from past era.
- Evoke nostalgia and fond memories to people as they re-live past years.
- Some vintage lamps are still functional
- Others are highly sought-after lamps that may fetch handsomely in the market.
- Some vintage lamps are important collectibles.
Vintage lamps are differentiated from other types of lamps because they are true representation of the period or era that they are associated with.
Retro Lamps Mimic the Past
Have you seen that vintage or antique lamp and you want one of your own? Are you able to get that very one that was made decades or centuries ago? You can have one made for you. This is why retro lamps are there. They mimic the lamps made many years ago. So, if you have a lamp made recently but has design from past years, you are in passion of a retro.
Vintage lamps are not just old lamps. They are lamps that were made at least 20 years ago and represent the design and style of that era. Antique lamps are at least 100 years, while antiquities or artifacts are more than 300 years old. A retro lamp mimics designs and styles of long ago but are made in the modern era. Now you’re a décor expert because you know everything about vintage lamps.