Chronic back pains can reduce your ability to carry out regular activities. There are short-term relief options that Hui Kang MD, a pain medicine specialist, can offer to help your pain. Epidural corticosteroid injections are safe and effective in temporarily treating pain, allowing you to continue a normal life. However, they are not a cure for chronic pain. Your doctor will administer this injection to help you pull through exercises that can strengthen your muscles.
Why Would You Need an Epidural Corticosteroid Injection?
The injections deliver pain medications into your epidural space to manage chronic pain in your lower back. Chronic back pain may result from inflammation and irritation from injuries to the roots of your spinal nerves.
What Happens During an Epidural Corticosteroid Injection?
Your doctor may administer local anesthesia to help numb away pain during treatment. You can inform your doctor about any allergies and medical conditions so they can take the necessary steps. During the procedure, your doctor may use an X-ray to provide images that can help guide your doctor to the correct injection area. Your doctor may apply a contrast dye to ensure that they spot the exact place where the medication should go. Afterward, your doctor will inject the corticosteroid into the epidural space to reduce inflammation. Your doctor will then apply pressure on the site of injection to prevent bleeding, clean it and apply a dressing. You will rest shortly after the procedure to allow your doctor to check for any reactions.
What are the Benefits of the Injection?
First, you can enjoy temporary relief from chronic back pain. The relief you get can allow you to participate in exercises that treat the cause of your pain. Second, you have a chance to live a quality and improved life because you can resume your regular activities without much pain. Corticosteroid injections may need a few days before they can work fully. Lastly, these injections lower the need to undergo pain management surgeries, which are much more invasive than injections.
Are there Side Effects to the Injections?
Although the injections are safe, you may develop side effects that include lightheadedness, severe headaches because of leakages of the spinal fluid, infections, and rashes. Patients receiving the injections in higher dosages may develop weak bones. Therefore your doctor may limit your number of injections.
How effective are the Injections for Back Pain Management?
You will likely experience temporary pain relief after the injection, but some people may have long-term relief from their back pains. However, you will also likely not get any relief from the steroid injection. The injection usually offers temporary relief while you keep up with physical therapy to help improve your symptoms. Your doctor may recommend more injection sessions depending on how effective they work for you.
If you want relief from chronic back pain, you can schedule your epidural corticosteroid injection at Houston Pain Specialists today. Your doctor will allow you to ask questions freely to help reduce the anxiety you may be experiencing before the procedure. You will get the injection in a relaxing environment, and you can experience short-term relief afterward. Visit the website to request your appointment.