Poker is considered to be the most exciting game played by casino game lovers. There are various variants of a poker game as well. Texas holdem poker is one such type of poker and that is considered to be the simplest in terms of basic rules and understanding. However, the proper knowledge and various rules of the game are essential to becoming a master of the Texas hold ‘em poker game. We have listed the steps involved in the poker games that can help you understand the game better. These are as follows:
- All the players are dealt with two cards each for their own private eyes. Five community cards are also dealt that are pleased to face up on the board. The idea behind the Texas Holden poker is to create a sequence of a total of 5 card poker hands through the use of available seven cards.
- The player right next to the button is places a bet called small blind. The next player in the clockwise direction of the player who made the small blind has to make another bet which is termed a big blind. At this stage, every player receives the two cards that will further define the whole poker game.
- All the players within the poker game have five available options that are raise, call, bet, fold and check. The type of action chosen by a player depends upon the action chosen by the former player.
- At this point, the player right next to the big blind has the option to fold, raise or call. One can easily raise a bed depending upon the cards dealt with him or her and even opt for the available other options. Every player has to bed until and unless there are equal bets placed on the table.
- Out of the five cards placed on the board, three cards are placed face up known as the flop which further defines actions by the players. Depending upon the cards, the active players can take their decisions and can even opt for the check option allowing the next active player to choose his or her action.
- After completion of the round including betting, the fourth community card is placed face up. Depending upon the type of card, the players can immediately decide whether they want to call, fold or even raise the bet.
- At this stage the fifth and the last card is shown which is known as the river. The players bet depending upon their available choices and cards.
- At the last stage, the player to bet or raise in the end is asked to show his or her cards. The player with the best five-card poker combination is considered to be the winner. However, in case same hands, the amount of bet is divided amongst the active players equally.
Texas hold ‘em poker is not a difficult game to understand. It’s simply based upon its rules and overall poker hand rankings that one can master through continuous play and experience. Learning the basics is the key to understanding the game and developing dedicated strategies as one goes further in the learning experience.