Have you ever wondered what it is about acne foaming wash that makes it so effective at eliminating acne when it rears its ugly head? Well, that’s because, amongst other things, it’s fantastic at killing on of the chief offending elements in the process – bacteria. Propionbactrium acnes (a.k.a P Acnes) – to give it its latin name, is the bacteria that’s killed by benzoyl peroxide (BP).
How does it do so? Well, P acnes bacteria thrives in areas that are low in oxygen, meaning that when oxygen is applied to the area, it can no longer survive. Acne wash products containing BP flood the area with oxygen, unclogging pores deep beneath the skin as it does.
Should I Use Acne Foaming Wash Daily?
If you listen to the experts (and why wouldn’t you?), they say that you should be using BP acne wash either once or twice per day. Starting at a 4% strength, you can then move up to a 10% or down to a 2.5% product, depending on how much your skin reacts.
Another way to mitigate dryness (a common issue with this type of product) is the use of an oil-free moisturizer or by reducing the frequency of applications. By swapping applications out to every other day, you can protect your skin while also getting results. It’s an option.
“I’ve Heard It Burns the Skin – Is That Right?”
Acne foaming wash can burn your skin, that is correct, however, that only usually happens if don’t start cautiously at the lowest strength and working your way up. As we’ve mentioned already, you can get some dryness and flakiness when using this kind of product, but it won’t burn your skin.
If, despite our reassurance, you’re still worried about burning your skin, try doing a patch test with a 4% product on a small area of skin for 3 continuous days and see what happens. It it irritates, move down, if not, carry on. There’s quite a bit of trial and error in the process, but it does work.
How Long Until Results Can Be Expected?
Honestly, that’s a hard one to call, as everyone’s skin is different, but you should be getting noticeable results by week 8. There should be a visible change to your complexion, but don’t expect perfection, as the marks left behind can take a while to fade away and return to normal.
If, by week 8, you’re not seeing much improvement, then you’re probably going to need to go up in strength. What you shouldn’t do is increase the frequency of applications, as that’s just going to irritate your epidermis and that’s essentially going backwards.
Join the Millions Benefiting From Acne Foaming Wash
The fact is that acne products are being used to great effect all around the world on a daily basis. Clearly, it’s something that works, but you have to stay patient or you could undo all of your good work.
Always follow the instructions and be cautious, as it’s the only way to 100% guarantee that you’ll minimise any reaction you may have. Even if it takes a few weeks longer, it’s better to go slower, as it’s the gentlest way forwards.
Often, all it takes a little adjustment for people to start getting the results they want from their acne wash, so bear with. As they say, good things come to those who wait.