The tenth TI compendium was considered by many to be the best in history, so Valve faces a difficult task – at least to repeat the level. Or even eclipse the past. Because of this, the TI11 Compendium comes out later. Before you spend your savings on the day of knowledge, let’s think about what will happen in the new BP. You can check the details on dota 2 boost website where they are providing complete dota 2 services, like blogs, articles, account boosting, account recalibration and much more.
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New heroes
Of course, everyone is waiting for new heroes . Six months have passed since the release of Primal Beast . And we still have a huge list of heroes that can appear in the game.
Dataminers are teasing new heroes in Dota. If everything comes true, there will be already 6!
Many candidates:
Puppet Master, who has been waiting for two years.
Engineer – Muzzy from Artifact.
Vanessa is a cult sorceress from the Artifact.
Felomena is Invoker’s daughter from the anime .
Samurai Bird – appeared in the list of proposed new heroes. Earlier in this document, Primal Beast was found.
Hades is the uncle of Ares (our Mars) and the brother of Zeus. To him, the characters have several replicas.
The developers often left Easter eggs for new heroes. Primal Beast, Hoodwink , and Void Spirit have been featured in trailers, comics, and update announcements. The only thing the community has found so far is a bird’s nest on the Belka page in the client. However, after the appearance of the Engineer or Pappet Master, we will definitely hit ourselves on the forehead and say: “God, how did we not notice this.” I’m sure that Valve has already teased the newcomer somewhere.
It is possible that the hero from the anime will appear again as a person in Dota. I really want to see at least three personalities in the game:
The moon is a soldier of the Helio empire. Scourge of the Plains has lost her pet and moves only on her own two feet. Isn’t it an innovation? And the new color scheme suits the character – two golden immortals are combined with yellow armor.
Personality on Invoker – Felomena. If the wizard’s daughter doesn’t come out as a new hero, then a personality must emerge. She has abilities similar to her father, a canonical appearance for the game, as well as three spheres familiar to us. There is also a toy rabbit running around.
Wyvern in human form. I predicted the release of this person after the first appearance of the dragon in the series. However, from the series, Davion, Mirana and Marcy, the main characters, got into the game. Who knows, suddenly after the third season, the Wyvern will be allowed into the Battle of the Ancients.
Here Miposhka will be delighted if his beloved dragon turns into a man!
Arcana and immortal items
Since we have lived to see the lasso on Wisp, we will wait for Void. Faceless has lost the vote several times already, but Valve should listen to the community.
With immortals a little easier. There are only a few characters left who do not have clothes for the hero model:
DK – only the form of a dragon;
Visage – only gargoyles;
Donbreaker ;
Chen ;
Primal Beast ;
Marcy .
Map, creeps and towers in infernal style
If you went to a website that sells tickets, you definitely noticed this banner:
Also, at the end of the announcement of 11 TI, the crackling of coals is heard. The developers make it clear: the hellish theme of Inta awaits us. It’s hard to say what kind of creeps or towers will be, but get ready for lava rivers with menacing stalagmites.
With the release of Void Spirit, the developers have lifted the veil of secrecy about what will happen after the Battle of the Ancients. Many of the heroes’ lines are dedicated to the Great Confluence, an event that will affect the world of Dota due to the destruction of one of the Ancients. After the match, a cataclysm occurs, marking a new starting point – or the end of everything. Void spirit can be used a dota 2 boosting because it is the most powerful hero so far in Dota 2 right now.
Is Valve preparing a major update for Dota? The Great Confluence could change the game forever
This is why Artifact was released, because each game is a simulation of the Battle of the Ancients before the Merging. In a card game, the heroes try to prevent a catastrophe. The latest events – Sorcerous Continuum, Enmity and Aghanim’s Labyrinth – only warm up the players. After all, these are just prequels to a massive update.
How will it happen? There are several guesses:
The merge will happen with the HoN world . Dota has a bunch of files from this MOBA. New characters, creep merging or unusual mechanics can easily appear in the game.
The map or genre of the game will be completely changed. Now we will not destroy the Ancients, but something else. Possibly the essence of the evil force that caused the Fusion to begin.
To the disappointment of many, this will be an ordinary event. Yes, the Ancients will disappear, but tomorrow I will go back to the usual public.
It is not yet clear to the end what Gabe will surprise us with. However, I’m looking forward to the new event the most.