Cockroaches have flexible bodies and fat legs, which make them difficult to kill and control. The speed of roaches lets them squeeze into small cracks and crevices once detected. If you have dealt with these pests, you know the real challenges that come with ensuring a roach is dead. While you stomp on roaches, spray them, or whack them, they will keep on scurrying.
In addition, getting rid of roaches on a bigger scale is harder. This is because they can survive in different situations and settings. If you need help with roach control, contact the professionals at
How Roaches Survive Nearly Anything
Over the years, roaches have become tougher than ever. They have thick exteriors that offer high protection levels. This is the reason you can’t easily kill them by just stepping on them once. These insects have mastered hiding and can thrive in various environments and temperatures. Also, they have a great sense of taste and smell. They can survive on nutrients and protein from cardboard and paper.
The best way to handle a roach infestation is to prevent one from infesting your home from the get-go. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to keep roaches out of your house. First, you should reinforce your property’s perimeter, close cracks and holes, and barricade access points. Roaches can squeeze into such openings. Just weatherstripping your windows and doors, closing utility line gaps, and putting seals and screens on drain vents and sewers can deter cockroaches from getting into your home.
Moreover, you should also prioritize proper food storage and sanitation. Dirty environments will attract roaches and other pests. To prevent this from happening, keep your surfaces clean. Wipe down kitchen spills and get rid of crumbs from surfaces. Also, do not leave out open food. Make sure to seal and refrigerate leftovers and throw away spoiled food.
How to Effectively Kill Roaches
There’s no easy way to kill roaches. But there are things you can do to limit the infestation scope.
- Identify the roach species. It’s important to know more about the species of roaches that infest your house, so you can prepare to eliminate them. For example, German cockroaches are attracted to food. Finding them in your home means paying close attention to your habits in the kitchen, getting rid of food sources, wiping down surfaces, and getting rid of grease buildup.
- Use glue traps. Regardless of their speed, roaches cannot do anything once they get stuck in glue traps. Just ensure to place the traps in areas where cockroaches may appear, like near drain openings and kitchen corners.
- Call an exterminator. If you want to eliminate a roach infestation effectively, allow the experts to do the job for you. Expert exterminators can sniff out hiding spots as well as use specialized bait and equipment to kill those pests. Aside from treatment, they can also offer long-term exclusion solutions that help you avoid future roach infestations. You must trust the experts for what they do. They can also give you more pieces of advice specific to your property or house.