Of the many blends available on the market, royal chrysanthemum tea is one of the most interesting you’ll find. Due to the fact that it’s made from a bright and bold flower, it has a unique taste profile. It can be a little sour for some, which is why people tend to sweeten the beverage with some honey.
That said, it offers a wonderful taste without extra sweeteners – hence why Chinese chefs use it so widely in their cooking. It is, in truth, quite a subtle taste and one that can be made bolder by leaving the bag to steep for several minutes.
The taste of chrysanthemum also lends itself rather well to iced tea – a beverage that’s about as refreshing as it gets on a hot Summer day. Under this umbrella, you’ll also find different chrysanthemum blends, so as you can see, there’s a lot to experiment with.
What Royal Chrysanthemum Tea Does For the Drinker
There are countless blogs online detailing the health benefits of tea – and that’s because it’s a body-friendly ingredient. This tea is no different, as it offers a wealth of body support and it’s why many turn to it when they’re feeling stressed or unwell.
It offers…
- Reduction of stress & anxiety
- Mitigation of migraines or headaches
- Digestion boost (particularly useful after a heavy meal)
- Controlling of acne and spots
- Reduction of frequency of cold sores
That’s not all either, as royal chrysanthemum tea can help to reduce your cholesterol levels, bring down your blood pressure and boost your metabolism. All this feeds into making you healthier, and all it requires is you drink a tasty cup on a regular basis. There are worst things to have to do, right?
Is it Easy to Make a Cup?
Actually, it couldn’t be easier to enjoy a cup of chrysanthemum tea, as it’s made exactly how you make most other types of tea. You boil your kettle, allow it to cool for 60 seconds and then pour it over a chrysanthemum tea bag that you’ve placed in a mug. It’s best to wait a minute after your kettle’s boiled to avoid burning the leaves.
Then steep it for around 5 minutes. This is done to allow the tea flavors to pervade the water and create the drink you’ve been waiting for. It might be tempting to skip a minute or two out of impatience (as the smell typically fills the room), but it’s better if you can give it time to diffuse. Good things come to those who wait, right?
Why Not Include Royal Chrysanthemum Tea in Your Routine?
There are innumerable drinks that you can partake of while at work or in your home, but none offer quite as many health and taste benefits as chrysanthemum tea. So, if you’re looking for a healthier mid-morning or mid-afternoon treat to replace other, unhealthy choices you’ve been making, why not consider introducing it?
Just by taking a box of tea bags to work, you get to enjoy it every day, and as we’ve seen, you’re never more than a few minutes away from a hot, freshly-prepared cup of the stuff.