The composition of colloidal graphite in water has many useful uses. It is used in coating glass articles and metal molds. This substance is dispersed in an aqueous solution through a process of continuous attrition. Graphite particles are finely divided in water and dissolved in the water. The particles become dispersed in the water, forming a stable film. Water-based colloidal graphite is ideal for a wide range of applications, including coatings.
The characteristics of water-based colloidal graphite include its high thermal conductivity, electron mobility, and high specific surface area. These properties are expected to fuel the market growth for water-based colloidal graphite. This product has a wide application spectrum, and the company’s water-based dispersions are customized to meet customers’ specifications.
The Water Based Colloidal Graphite market is expected to expand due to the increased demand for its applications in die casting and molding. Forging is a process that shapes metal by applying a compressive force to a piece of metal. Using colloidal graphite as a lubricant between the workpiece and the die reduces the wear and tear on expensive forging dies. Oil-based colloidal graphite, however, can cause toxic carbon smoke when used in this process.
Another form of Water Based Colloidal Graphite is Aquadag. This is a dispersion of graphite that is dispersed in distilled water. Aquadag is usually sold in a concentrated paste form and is diluted in distilled water prior to application. It is applied to a clean hot die using brushing, spraying, or dipping. The material dries to a thin layer of pure graphite.
The initial graphite particles are a large factor in the success of colloidal graphite. The proportion of polyvinyl pyrrolidone needed will depend on the size and surface area of the graphite particles. Ultimately, the graphite particles will achieve the desired dispersion state. Thereafter, polyvinyl pyrrolidone will be added to stabilize the graphite particles in an aqueous medium.
As per report published by Coherent Market Insights, global water based colloidal graphite market is expected to surpass US$ 1046.1 million by the end of 2028, in terms of revenue, exhibiting at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period (2021 to 2028).
PELCO Conductive Graphite is a dispersion of colloidal Graphite in water that has submicron particle size distribution with outstanding film-forming properties. PELCO Conductive Graphite films conform to fine surface details and are easily formed on cold and hot surfaces. The unique dispersion also contains a small amount of protective ammonia. This gives the product its superior properties.
Aquadag is a water-based colloidal graphite coating that is widely used in cathode ray tubes. This product is manufactured by Acheson Industries and is an acronym for Aqueous Deflocculated Acheson Graphite. It has become a generic name for conductive graphite coatings, with other related products being named Oildag, Electrodag, and Molydag. Deflocculation is a process whereby high-purity graphite is dispersed into a solution. Graphite in water is separated from the unsustain particulate by the aqueous phase, and this is a key feature of Aquadag.
Water-based colloidal graphite is a dispersion of very fine graphite flakes in a liquid. Acheson has extended this brand name to other non-graphite products. Their electroconductive paint, Electrodag 437, is another example. These products are also used in electronics. Graphite is highly conductive, which enables them to conduct electricity. However, water-based colloidal graphite is also highly conductive.